
Forge of empires public bath vs tavern
Forge of empires public bath vs tavern

We were happy to get them done in the end and now look forward to next spring's display. It is essential to leave at least six weeks after flowering to cut these meadows down but that falls in the exam period. Although these meadows looked tired, the colours from the bulbs and annual wildflowers looked great this year. In other works, around the garden, we started cutting down the spring meadows around the college. The delays were beyond the control of the college but hopefully we are now making progress as we head towards our next target, which is the preparation for the 'Emma enables' event on 8th July. We finally got the answers we were hoping for and, with delays of around six months, we were able to commence the landscaping. We achieved all this whilst pushing for the new build landscaping to be resolved. Then we had to prepare the Front Court for Graduation - a tight turnaround but just about achieved. This was a huge undertaking to prepare the lawns for these events and I am immensely proud of the Garden Department for making this happen. Only 48 hours later the final of the Cupper’s Croquet was played on the Front Court lawn. The month saw the June Event Ball, which involved a large event tent on the front court lawn. We have been busy spinning many plates and have just about been able to keep them spinning. We are a little behind on the tasks from where I would like to be at this moment in time but there is nothing we cannot sort out. The gardens are looking full and in flower at the moment, which has been a hard thing to achieve, but generally I am pleased with the results. We have had many of the college calendar events to prepare for, and in what turned out to be the hottest June on record. It has been a very busy period for the Garden Department. Explore Head Gardener's Blog - July 2023 5 July 2023

Forge of empires public bath vs tavern